
Monday, December 27, 2010

Best Non Apple MP3 Players

Although apple is considered to be one of the most reliable brand in case of mp3 player, but still there is a number of extensive kind of music players, which are of high quality and extra ordinary nature. Let’s have an over view about them.

Microsoft Zune HD


Tremendous features are possessed by this non-apple application, which uses to have a capacity of about 16GB, which is enough to store a number of music items over here. Not only that, if we take a look over the guarantee of this superior product then we would come to know that thee touch screen special products abet in having a long lasting usage of these mp3 players possible, with out ant flaw. Special technique of OLED display uses to make its songs previewing more attractive for sake of its user. It is quite suitable in reference to its prices i.e. $200.

SanDisk Sansa Fuze


Excellent creation of SanDisk which is known to be “SanDisk Sansa Fuze” is an audio and video mp3 player, which is sleek in its looks. A memory of about 8 GB is frequently available on only $75. When ever there is a need to make your own recordings, then through help of wonderful configurations you would be able to have an excellent result out of it. If you want to use the FM stations playing option or a usage of USB connection along with your mp3 player, then none kind of restrictions would be there. You can enhance its functionalities according to your requirements.

Sony X Series Walkman


A best mp3 player, which you can take along with you even on a walk or jogging, is known to be Sony X Series Walkman. This is of tremendous kind, as there is an option of using its charging for more then 45-hour. Not only that, there is a higher memory capacity available, which is estimated to about 32GB in number. When ever there is a need to have audio or video options, then through special formatting actions you would be able to have it.

SanDisk Sansa Clip


If you are having a limited budget, then these elegant mp3 player, having a 8GB storage space in them is suitable for you. You would be able to have a non-stop usage of this brand for 15 hours, as it has charging function active for sake of its battery. At only $60 you would be able to have any attachment with an audio or video option easily.