
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Linens ‘n’ Things? Yes, Please


Of all the rooms in your house, the bathroom was your mom’s favorite. She would spend hours in there primping, lotioning, exfoliating and lord knows what else (and lord knows our imaginations ran wild with that last part).

Those of us who were fortunate enough to be there when she got home from shopping for new towels were treated to an impromptu fashion show we’ll never forget. She was so excited about her purchases that she called for us to come up and see them. Slightly annoyed, we put down our Activision controllers and did as she asked. Had we known she wasn’t wearing anything, we’d have sprinted up the stairs.

As we stood there slack-jawed, we didn’t even notice that she bought a new scale to match the shag carpet. One thing we did notice, though, was that your mom was hot!