
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Gorgeous Girls in Girl Scout Uniforms


March 12th is Girl Scouts Day! This day recognizes and celebrates the creation of the first Girl Scout group on March 12, 1912. Juliette Gordon Low started the first Girl Scout group in Savannah, Georgia with 18 girls. According to infoplease, Thin Mints are the most popular. Me? I hate Thin Mints. I’m a Peanut Butter Patties kinda guy. It’s probably why chicks don’t want to make out with me. Anyway, one of the top male role playing dress up fantasies is a hot chick in a girl scouts uniform. Women gag when they hear this, they’ll never understand it. But, let’s be honest underage chicks don’t turn us on, the mini-skirt and thigh high stockings on a fully developed adult female do. So, screw those Debbie Downers and fulfill your fantasy with this photo gallery of Gorgeous Girls in Girl Scout uniforms!