
Friday, March 11, 2011

meet online girls

12 places to meet girls ...Now when placing these personals you can attract a whole lot of women with some catchy headline and be bothered with a lot of replies that get you nowhere wasting your time...

Coffee houses: like Starbucks, Coffee Bean, Tea Leaf etc. Great from 8 - 10:30 AM every day of the week. After 9 AM you are more likely to get women who work in retail, outside sales like pharmaceutical reps, self-employed, students etc.

Supermarkets: M - F noon to around 1:30 PM as women on their lunch hours pop into buy things. Monday to Thursday 6 - 8:30 PM, Saturdays 10 AM to noon, same for Sundays.

Shopping malls: This is a no brainer. If they have a good food court and are near offices, then noon til 1:30 PM, M - F. Hit the food courts and forget most of the rest of the stores. Other good times: Tues - Thurs 6:30 - 8 PM and Sat afternoons.

Self-improvement seminars: Such seminars are LOADED to the gunwales with good-looking, SUGGESTIBLE women who are totally open to the type of themes discussed in any good Speed Seduction pattern. Same with most of the self-help gurus. Christ, ya don't even have to sign up. Just find out where they are being held, hang out in the lobby of the hotel and swoop in on the HB's during the coffee, pea and dinner breaks.

Gyms: The women are in awesome shape and usually quite adventurous.

Yoga Classes: Unbelievable amounts of hard-bodied, wildy well-shaped women. Take a beginners class if you've never done it before and you'll met lots of women, who are also VERY suggestible and open to new ways of thinking.

Angela Martini

Johnny Shack:

Sporting clubs and associations: These areas are very good for meeting single women. You find out easily which women are single and you can talk with them easily because you have a similar interest. What could be easier? There is immediate conversation to talk about and its enough to get to know each other enough to work out: Am I attracted to this person or not?

Now the footy club (Australian football?) is maybe not the best place for hunting women but a netball club that has mixed competitions definitely is. Gymnasiums are good to. Women at gyms will talk to any guy that talks to them. Everything is on your side in these places because the woman knows you are in the same club and therefore will not automatically be rude to you. Also it gives them a harmless excuse to talk with you without people thinking any sleaziness is going on. They may be waiting for you to say something.

Shopping Malls. Try to remember the last time you went to a mall. Can you possibly look in a direction and not spot a beautiful girl that you would like to seduce? I'd venture a guess and say no.

The malls are always full of girls. Girls who work at various stores and shops within the mall, but also a lot of girls who go shopping or just hang out. Girls love shopping. Though it is harder to seduce a girl if she is surrounded by her friends, it is not always the case.

Walk up and down the halls and look inside stores for beautiful clerks or shoppers. If it is a women's clothing store or something feminine, even better. You can easily walk up to a girl (clerk or shopper) and ask her:

Excuse me. Would you be so kind to hold this up in front of you for a moment? It's my sister's birthday next week and you are about the same size as her and from what I can tell you have the same excellent fashion sense.

Better yet, after the initial approach you can even ask her if she sees anything else that she really likes in the store that your sister might like too because of the similar tastes in fashion. Probe for keywords why she likes certain things over the others etc.

Once you have sufficient information of not only what she likes but also why she likes it you can start your charm. Expand the conversation to likes and dislikes in other areas of her life to get her view on things and so on. If she's a shopper you might want to act very quickly to finding ways for you to continue your conversation somewhere else, but if she works there she won't mind spending the time with you especially if it's not very busy.

Libraries. If there is one place that girls almost always outnumber guys, it has to be the library. Whether it's a public library or a college or university library, you will always find young girls trying to do research for a project or homework.

These girls are usually very intelligent and dedicated to their work, but the plain truth is the fact that everybody can use a break once in a while. If you provide a bit of a pleasant distraction they'll be more than happy to talk to you. You could be asking them for some help to locate a specific section or specialty book. Even if they can't help you out they will at least have to tell you that they don't know where you can find your book. But guess what? That is a conversation taking place right there. Ask them about their own work, interests, etc. Show interest, and let them talk about it for a while.

Angela Taylor

These girls like to show off their knowledge so they'll tell you more than you need to know about the subject. But if you develop good rapport at this stage you can easily continue this fascinating conversation elsewhere. Get my drift? You can start asking why they're interested in this particular subject, what's the most fascinating thing about it, what are the challenges and so on. Once you move to answering this type of questions then you will be able to get an insight as to what type of girl she is, what she holds dear and so on.

Gourmet Coffee Shops. Before work, at lunch and after work these places are packed with girls. Sometimes the more packed the place, the better because you may have to share a table with someone. If it's not very busy you can still ask to sit next to a beautiful girl. Just tell her that you don't like to sit alone and if she'd mind you sitting with her till you're done with your drink.

If you're sitting together might as well talk about something. And remember this is a gourmet coffee shop. These girls don't come here for the coffee, they come here for the specialty coffee, and they come for the frills and sometimes even the prestige associated with a particular specialty coffee shop.

So what do you talk about?

Her favorite drink and why she likes it over regular coffee, how does it make her feel and so on. Try and talk in detail about the different sensations and aromas. Women love descriptive talk in detail especially if it involves something that can even be compared to a sexual sensation.

The whipped cream, the cherry on top, how the blend of the coffee with the different liqueurs reminds you of a hot and steamy Latin love dance stimulating your taste buds beyond comparison etc. I guess while you are at the library you can pick up some books on gourmet foods and specialty drinks to learn the language fine critics use to describe them. Believe me, talking like that can make a girl melt even though you're only talking about a specialty coffee, because you end up planting all these wonderful images in her mind by using metaphors.

Workplace or School or College. This is a more relaxed atmosphere for seducing women because you are not under time constraints. If you can't get her hotter than hot for you today, you can talk to her again tomorrow. You'll have much better opportunities to get to know her. In addition, if you work or study closely together for an extended period of time chances are that you will become attracted to each other anyway.

Kara Monaco

Personals. (A word of warning about personals - they will never get you the experience of actually approaching and getting the attention of the woman you want because a meeting arranged through personals simply skips this important phase. So although meeting women this way might feel easier initially, ultimately you will never learn the skills that really make the difference)

Is this too low for you? Is it beneath you? Hell no. Whether it's newspaper personals, telephone personals, video personals or Internet personals and chat rooms, they offer you excellent opportunities to meet a lot of women to practice your skills.

With the exception of video personals the drawback is the fact that you don't really know what the person looks like. But that's not a problem. It shouldn't be your goal to meet someone to seduce right away. This is nothing but an avenue for you to get practice and experience talking to women. But if things click for you why not go for it anyway? If she turns out to be butt ugly just tell her that as shallow as this seems, without the physical attraction things aren't going to go anywhere between you two and move on.

Now when placing these personals you can attract a whole lot of women with some catchy headline and be bothered with a lot of replies that get you nowhere wasting your time. Or you can be very specific and discriminating about who you are what you look like and what you're looking for. Feel free to include any characteristics they may find unappealing. This will eliminate a lot of women who might otherwise reply but the ones who do reply are more likely to end up somewhere because they already know what to expect from you and are willing to accept it.

Better yet, read a lot of the women's personals and try to model yours after them.

As an added dirty trick, you can place a personal as a woman seeking a man to get a lot of good ideas from other men who reply to it. Most of them will be really bad but once in a while there will be one that will catch your eye and curiosity. When you reply to a woman's personal ad try out these other ideas to see if they work. If they work, you learned something new. If they don't work, move on.

An example of a personals ad. ASF:

Isn't attraction incredible? Imagine relaxing into strong arms holding you, feeling safe and appreciated and intimate, knowing you're exactly where you belong I'm educated, successful, emotionally mature, and I know what I want. My work keeps me busy, but I make time for travel, dining out, music (very diverse tastes), and anything new and interesting. I'm tall, in great shape, with green eyes and dark wavy hair (picture available). Looking to meet a woman who's smart, honest, and loves to laugh. Now tell me all about you

A few more US-specific places and times to meet women. Speed Seduction newsletter, Ross Jeffries:

Restaurants with attached bars: These places are often great Tuesday to Thursday nights, around 6 - 8:30 PM. Especially upscale places, they cater to a professional crowd. Some VERY nice looking women looking to unwind after work. Also often these places serve as a meeting ground for women having bacheleorette parties.

Coffee houses: like Starbucks, Coffee Bean, Tea Leaf etc. Great from 8 - 10:30 AM every day of the week. After 9 AM you are more likely to get women who work in retail, outside sales like pharmaceutical reps, self-employed, students etc.

Supermarkets: M - F noon to around 1:30 PM as women on their lunch hours pop into buy things. Monday to Thursday 6 - 8:30 PM, Saturdays 10 AM to noon, same for Sundays.

Shopping malls: This is a no brainer. If they have a good food court and are near offices, then noon til 1:30 PM, M - F. Hit the food courts and forget most of the rest of the stores. Other good times: Tues - Thurs 6:30 - 8 PM and Sat afternoons.

Self-improvement seminars: Such seminars are LOADED to the gunwales with good-looking, SUGGESTIBLE women who are totally open to the type of themes discussed in any good Speed Seduction pattern. Same with most of the self-help gurus. Christ, ya don't even have to sign up. Just find out where they are being held, hang out in the lobby of the hotel and swoop in on the HB's during the coffee, pea and dinner breaks.

Gyms: The women are in awesome shape and usually quite adventurous.

Yoga Classes: Unbelievable amounts of hard-bodied, wildy well-shaped women. Take a beginners class if you've never done it before and you'll met lots of women, who are also VERY suggestible and open to new ways of thinking.

Johnny Shack:

Sporting clubs and associations: These areas are very good for meeting single women. You find out easily which women are single and you can talk with them easily because you have a similar interest. What could be easier? There is immediate conversation to talk about and its enough to get to know each other enough to work out: Am I attracted to this person or not?

Now the footy club (Australian football?) is maybe not the best place for hunting women but a netball club that has mixed competitions definitely is. Gymnasiums are good to. Women at gyms will talk to any guy that talks to them. Everything is on your side in these places because the woman knows you are in the same club and therefore will not automatically be rude to you. Also it gives them a harmless excuse to talk with you without people thinking any sleaziness is going on. They may be waiting for you to say something.