
Sunday, November 7, 2010

When Buildings Meet the Clouds

Clouds are not only limited to weather and scientific studies; they have a huge impact on us, sometimes they are a true source of inspiration. Mankind has been referring to them since ages; they are indeed one the most beautiful creation of nature. It’s fascinating how clouds take different shapes, structures and patterns. For some people they are a great source of inspiration and happiness, people often spend time looking at them and getting lost in their beauty.

Clouds often visit the earth; they sit around the tall buildings and make a conversation. The conversation couldn’t b heard but one can obviously see how close they are. You can close your eyes and feel them, sometimes they come close enough that they touch the buildings and often curl around them, one cannot miss these beautiful scenes.

Empire state building

102 story empire state building stands among the tallest buildings in the world. This beautifully designed building lies at the intersection of 34th street and 5th avenue. Because of its great height the building often hides its head in to the clouds.

empire-state-building Image by Swarna

Chicago downtown

In the recent years Chicago received the largest boom of buildings and because of their great height, clouds often swim around them. You can see the Sears tower, the Aon tower and the Hancock tower from left to right in the image below.

chicago Image by Glenn Harper

chicago-cloud Image by National Geographic

chicago-marriott Image: Anthony Stewart

Golden Gate Bridge

golden-gate-bridge Image by National Geographic